S.T. Dupont Defi Extreme Single Torch Flame Lighter Yellow 21405

S.T. Dupont Defi Extreme Single Torch Flame Lighter Yellow 21405

Quick overview

  S.T. Dupont continue to innovate and develop a new lighter, Defi Extreme, with incomparable performance. Its innovative and unique construction combines a body with high precision injected metal and a semi rigid matt black jacket for high protection. Its...
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S.T. Dupont continue to innovate and develop a new lighter, Defi Extreme, with incomparable performance. Its innovative and unique construction combines a body with high precision injected metal and a semi rigid matt black jacket for high protection. Its intuitive ergonomics and its tactile features with the Diamond Head pattern make Defi Extreme “the daily product”, effective in any circumstances. Its blue torch flame, powerful and uniform resists the most violent winds. Defi Extreme is effective from the iciest temperatures (-10°C) to the warmest ones (+45°C) and works at a height of more than 3500 m, where other lighters fail to operate.

Packaged in White Box Packaging with a Lighter Care and Refilling Instructions Manual